Friday, March 1, 2019

Group Discussions!

Today in class, Mrs. Stoklosa gave us the opportunity to get into groups (with people other than my partner, Kaylin) and discuss what we plan on doing for our project to get some feedback. I really like this because it allows our work and ideas to be critiqued from another perspective that may not be so biased.

While I was telling them our plot and the whole witch shebang, I swear one girl in my group was looking at me like I was crazy! But she actually really liked the idea and so did the others in my group, which I was happy to hear. As we were discussing, I told them how we wanted to start the opening chaotic, with the girlfriend frantically asking people if they had seen her missing boyfriend, and they recommended a few editing techniques, such as using slow motion with close-ups to show her frustration (after asking people if they had seen her husband). Honestly, other than that, I didn’t get that much feedback from the people in my group.

At the end of class, I walked over to Kaylin and she goes, “WE LITERALLY HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS PROJECT! LIKE 5 WEEKS… WE NEED TO START DOING THE STORYBOARD AND PLAN OUT HOW WE WANT IT ALL TO LAYOUT THIS WEEKEND!” I totally agree with her and am going to start planning it out this weekend, but I feel like it still hasn’t hit me that we have such little time to complete this entire project.

I’m going to reach out to a few of my friends to see if they’d be interested in taking part in sorcery and help us summon a missing boyfriend!

Let's hope it goes well,
happy witching hour!

Footage of Kaylin and I texting every girl in our contacts to help us film
(what's a blog without Kardashian gifs?)

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MY VERY LAST BLOGPOST! It's been so fun and SUPER stressful doing this project, but I appreciate that I was given this opportunity to ...