Saturday, March 16, 2019

Group Discussions + Filming???

HEY Y'ALL! I was feeling sick yesterday so I didn't go to school and I missed the group discussion during class ughhhhh. I wanted to get input from others! But it's okay I still have a few more chances to do so. Kaylin told me that people in her group discussion were pitching title name ideas and they came up with: The Hunt, Scavenger, and Scavenger Hunt. I'm going to be very blunt. I absolutely dislike all of those. I still have no idea what I want the title to be, but not those. That sounds so aggressive but it's true. PERIOD.

I printed like 14 missing posters (we most definitely did not need that many) so rest in peace to the ink in my printer. First day of filming was today! I brought the posters, a stapler, our storyboard, my phone and my Contigo because you gotta stay hydrated!

Kaylin, Alexia(our actress), and I linked up at Town Center around 11:30-11:40am. We had a few issues with our first opening shot but fortunately, we solved them quickly. We planned on using a stapler to staple the missing poster to a tree, BUT, the staple I brought doesn't allow you to open up and actually staple... so we put tape on the back and just made it look like she stapled it.

Sneak Peek of our opening shot
I'm going to continue discussing our first day filming in another blogpost because I don't want this one to be too long! I'll post it tomorrow so stay tuned!

Happy Witching Hour!

Song of the Blog (I'm not going to start to copy Kaylin with her song of the blog thing but this song is too good not to share): If You Didn't See Me (Then You Weren't on the Dancefloor) by JR. JR.

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MY VERY LAST BLOGPOST! It's been so fun and SUPER stressful doing this project, but I appreciate that I was given this opportunity to ...