Monday, March 25, 2019

Marina has entered the building

Hey y'all! Today Kaylin, Alexia, and I all met up at Kaylin's house to continue filming. Our intent was to you know... actually film, but that's not what happened! We underestimated the time it would take to assemble the box (placed on the doorstep) and we didn't film. But we spent a lot of time focusing on the mise-en-scene, which is really important.

We focused a lot on the spell-book. To make it more authentic, we added random Latin words and "witchy" symbols and even burned the edges of the pages. We had our actress, Alexia, write most of the latin words and symbols because she can write in calligraphy (we're not paying her enough... or at all actually).

While she was doing that, I was drawing "MARINA" across the box. And after that, Kaylin, AKA A PYROMANIAC, started burning the edges of the pages in the book (again, to give it that authentic, aging look).

Although we didn't film, it was overall a productive day! We have our box wrapped and prepared for the next time we start filming. I'm pretty sure we're filming this Thursday, we're going to attempt to finish... (key word: attempt.) I'll keep y'all updated.

Our completed box!
Happy witching hour!

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MY VERY LAST BLOGPOST! It's been so fun and SUPER stressful doing this project, but I appreciate that I was given this opportunity to ...